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What it like to be a thing-Alien Phenomenology


This week we learned about the alien phenomenology. Bogost believes that objects do not exist for human existence, they also have their own thoughts and languages. This content has returned to the relevant content of post-phenomenology. Ihde also mentioned in Husserl's missing technology. Objects may exist as themselves, but with our current cognitive abilities we can only think that objects exist for the existence of human beings.

This is a very novel angle for me. I never imagined observing the world from the perspective of a non-organic objective object, imagining them as living objects, they have their own language, society, or all other characteristics of human beings. In this human-centered world, everything seems to be designed for humans. Including my immature projects in the past, I often start from myself and think from the society in which I live.

In the force of things, I read a very interesting point, people are walking and talking minerals. Because these non-living bodies, such as the blood are metallic, the nerves are electrically conductive, the bones are mineral, that makes up the human body and they are self-made. They have their own consciousness, knowing what they are going to do and which direction they are going. Because of a certain complex relationship between them, they constitute the human bodies. So our human powers are also things-powers.

This reminds me of an article I have read which about interviewing choreographers and asking them about the technique of motion capture in their thoughts. One of the respondents indicated that she has no interest in the technology itself. As a professional choreographer, they are already familiar with all parts of the body and do not need to analyze these actions based on the data processed by the motion capture. But you can combine the actions of two or more dancers by data which as a mediator to generate something, such as creating some visual effects, then this process is a transition from humanity to inhumanity.

The same, for the realization of this idea, not only through the data as a mediator. Instead, there is really a way to combine the things-power that already constitutes an organic creature again to achieve a true ‘inhumanity’.

In my opinion, although the alien phenomenology is a study of the consciousness of non-organisms, according to the book of The force of things, it is still possible to return to the exploration of the human boundaries.


Bennett, Jane. "The Force of Things". Vibrant matter: A political ecology of things. Duke University Press, 2009.

Gillies, Marco, et al. Exploring Choreographers’ Conceptions of Motion Capture for Full Body Interaction. British Computer Society, 2011, pp. 205–10.,



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