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Personal Interested fields-Immersive Experiences


For me, I prefer to focus on research related to immersive experiences. What is an immersive experience, and what is its definition?

An immersive experience is a virtual environment that surrounds you. This virtual environment will give you an immersive feel and make you feel like you are part of it. The term immersive experience is often accompanied with virtual reality and mixed reality. I think Two important features should be included in immersive experiences, one is to let the audience be there, and the second is to let the audience integrate into this environment.

Immersive experiences often include human sensory experiences and human cognitive experiences.

The creator sets the space, emotions, and vision, and then the spectators enter this spatial to experience and feeling and gain perceptual stimuli, such as a shortening of time cognition. In other words, because people immersed in it, they thought they only stayed for an hour, but, in fact, they stayed for three hours. This phenomenon is very common in the games.


Forest of Flowers and People: Lost, Immersed and Reborn

<Teamlab: Forest of Flowers and People: Lost, Immersed and Reborn>

Last year, I went to watch the exhibition of the Teamlab, Japanese digital art studio, in Beijing. The immersive exhibitions of several projects made me feel that I was completely immersed in the environment they built. I completely consider it as a real world.

In the <Forest of Flowers and People: Lost, Immersed and Reborn>, the number of flowers projected on the wall will be change with the number of visitors, and with the flowers blossoming and wither and fall. In many works, we can see combination of life and the entirety and the individual.

Sketch Town

<Teamlab: Sketch Town>

In this work, the Sketch Town is mainly a project for children. The audience can input their own paintings into the huge picture on the wall by scanning and interact with the unit in the painting. In this work, I saw a co-creation of ideas, and the future world will be created together by everyone, especially the young generation.

A lot of Teamlab's work explores the relationship between human and human. It seems that everyone does not affect each other, but in fact they interact with each other.

My emotions are indeed influenced by these works. In the first work, I feel very calm and beautiful, while lamenting the reciprocation of life. When I visited the Sketch Town, I was touched by this beautiful yearning, and this lovely world composed of graffiti in the hands of children.

At the same time, when I first entered the world, in fact, every piece of work takes up a huge space. I was also considering that if the size of space is also an important factor which can affect people's emotions. I will explore this issue in my future studies.



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