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#How many years have I challenged-Compliant disobedient meme


Recently on social media, such as facebook, Instagram, etc., the very hot event is the #10yearschallenge. We don't know where the origin of this activity is. However, most people chose to upload photos of their changes during ten years because of their feelings.

What followed was an unconfirmed rumor that Facebook would like to use the data to develop the age recognition, in other words, let the machine learn how the human decade will change. The problem is that users have not authorized Facebook to use their personal information to develop this kind of technology. Users are also concerned about the increasing number of possible surveillances in their living environment.

I come up with an idea for this is following the #10yearschallenge to create another topic, that is #HowmanyyearshaveIchallenged. Perhaps it can also be regarded as a test of age recognition technology?

Complying with the #10yearschallenge, I also invited users to upload two photos of themselves. But the difference is that, this time, we do not indicate the year, and only shows the part of body below the head. I think there should be no one would like to analyze the information provided by each pixel in their photo like a detective, to guess how many years you have challenged. As a means of irony, I follow O'Neal's assumption in Wired, I am very supportive and provide technology companies with no facial data, let them develop a technology that can identify the age, to guess how many years the users have challenged.

Speaking a few off-topics, most of the photos of the #10yearschallenge are users showing how their wealth has changed over the past decade and how their appearance has changed. Of course, businesses will also use this opportunity to promote their products. On the contrary, there are some examples that cause people to consider about how the technology of the decade has changed, and how the natural environment around us has changed. When we reflect on ourselves, when we participate in these activities, why do not we think about where our facial information will be used elsewhere. In the book of <Amusing Ourselves to Death>, as the authors express, because of the changes in the media, people's daily concerns are appearing in an entertaining way, leading to the fragmentation of the way people think, or the unwillingness to think. Why do we just consider it as a simple way of release our own feelings when we face the label of the #10yearschange challenge, and can't think about whether the #10yearschallenge has other deep meanings?





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